The new CD now on amazon, spotify, amazon music, deezer, itunes and in our shop!
Fusion Batá is a music project that reflects and unites the merging of different cultures. Jazzy elements in connection with traditional Cuban percussion of the batá show that jazz does not give up borders and playfully brings together all musical styles. The listener is carried away by the lightness of the groove between bass, percussion and drums. Improvisations in connection with rap parts round off the composition to a crossover of cultures.
A batá drum is a two-headed hourglass drum in Yoruba cult music in Nigeria and Benin, which is also used in the African-American Santeria religion in the Caribbean. The experimental fusion of jazz and afro cuban religious music is a new marriage that has never been performed before and deserves to be heard.
Alfredo Hechavarria a cuban composer/ arranger/ bassplayer recorded in the Art Studios in Frankfurt a. Main his new multiculture CD Fusion Batá with musicians from all over the world.
CD CubanXCrossover as download, shop
Nach dem großen Erfolg seiner Debüt-CD „Corazón del Sur“ und Welttourneen (u.a. Radio City Music Hall/ New York, Hollywood Bowl L.A., Olympia/Paris mit dem Gitarrenduo Rodrigo y Gabriela) widmet sich der kubanische Weltmusiker nun ganz der Musik zur traditionellen Musik seiner Heimat. Die teilweise durch den Buena Vista Social Club berühmt gewordenen Klassiker interpretiert er individuell und experimentell als „CubanXCrossover“. Er verbindet Latin, Jazz, Klassik, Pop mit Virtuosität, Leichtigkeit, Rhythmus und zusammen mit der argentinischen Jazzsängerin Clarissa bekommt Alfredos 2. CD zeigt einen ganz neuen Sound. Zahlreiche Eigenkompositionen verleihen der neuen CD zusätzliches Flair und Glanz und eine eigene interessante Note.
After the great success of his debut CD "Corazón del Sur" and world tours (including Radio City Music Hall/ New York, Hollywood Bowl L.A., Olympia/Paris with the guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela), the Cuban world musician is now devoting himself to the traditional music of his homeland.
Their classics, partly made famous by the Buena Vista Social Club, he interprets individually and experimentally as "CubanXCrossover".
He combines Latin, jazz, classical, pop with virtuosity, lightness, rhythm together with the Argentinian jazz singer
Clarissa, Alfredo's 2nd CD has a whole new sound.
Numerous compositions of Alfredo's own give the new CD extra flair and sparkle and its own interesting touch.
Alfredo Hechavarria
+49 (0) 17638494659